Based on the Telecommunications Law promulgated by Royal Decree 30/2002 and its amendments,
the Executive Regulation of the Telecommunications Law issued by Decision 144/2008,
and the class I telecommunications licences issued to licensees,
and in pursuance of public interest,
it is hereby decided
Article I
Licensees shall ensure that the non-Omani employment percentage in network operations centres—at all levels—does not exceed 6% of the total employees working in the network operations centres of the licensee, whether the employment is direct or indirect.
Article II
All licensees shall rectify their status and achieve the percentage specified in article I, within eight months from the date of entry into force of this decision.
Article III
Licensees who do not achieve the required percentage shall, within a maximum period of four weeks from the date of issuance of this decision, submit to the authority for approval a specific timetable for employment and replacement to achieve the percentage specified in article I, provided that the timetable includes—but is not limited to—the following data:
1. Number of current employees of the licensees in the network operations centres.
2. Number of employees of the licensee hired indirectly in the centres, and engaged with through contractors.
3. Total job opportunities currently available in the network operations centre.
4. The mechanism for implementing the decision to reach the required percentage.
Article IV
Licensees shall submit monthly reports to the authority clarifying the extent of progress in achieving the targeted percentage for the employment of Omanis.
Article V
This decision comes into force on 1 January 2025.
Issued on: [â—Ź]
Corresponding to: 19 December 2024
Omar bin Hamdan Al-Ismaili
Executive President of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority