Royal Decree

Royal Decree 37/80 Amending Some Provisions of the Tender System of 1975

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 194 issued on 15 May 1980.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 36/80 Appointing an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Sultanate to the State of Kuwait

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 194 issued on 15 May 1980.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 34/80 Appointing an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Sultanate to the Republic of Djibouti

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 192 issued on 15 April 1980.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 33/80 Ratifying the Air Services Agreement between the Sultanate of Oman and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 192 issued on 15 April 1980.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 32/80 Amending the General Schedule of Grades and Salaries

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 192 issued on 15 April 1980.


Air Services Agreement between the Sultanate of Oman and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium

Unfortunately, the text of this treaty is unavailable.

Ratified by Royal Decree 33/80.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 31/80 Delegating the Permanent Representative of the Sultanate to the Organisation of the Islamic Conference to Sign the General Agreement for Economic, Technical, and Commercial Cooperation among Member States of the Islamic Conference

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 192 issued on 15 April 1980.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 30/80 Delegating the Minister of Information and Youth Affairs to Sign the Media Agreement between the Sultanate of Oman and the State of Qatar

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 192 issued on 15 April 1980.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 29/80 Appointing a Member to the Council of Environment Protection and Pollution Control

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 192 issued on 15 April 1980.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 25/80 on the Organisational Structure of the Ministry of Oil and Minerals

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 192 issued on 15 April 1980.