Ministerial Decision

Civil Service Council: Decision 18/96 Amending Some Provisions of the Executive Regulation of the Civil Service Law

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Published in Official Gazette 588 issued on 2 December 1996.

Ministerial Decision

Civil Service Council: Decision 19/96 regarding the Rules of Housing Undersecretaries of Ministries and Their Equivalent

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 588 issued on 2 December 1996.

Ministerial Decision

Civil Service Council: Decision 16/96 Amending Some Provisions of the Executive Regulation of the Civil Service Law

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Published in Official Gazette 583 issued on 15 September 1996.

Ministerial Decision

Civil Service Council: Decision 9/96 Exempting the Occupants of Certain Jobs in the Colleges of Education for Non-omani Male and Female Teachers from Certain Government Housing Rules

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Published in Official Gazette 575 issued on 15 May 1996.

Ministerial Decision

Civil Service Council: Decision 6/96 regarding Granting a Work Nature Stipend to the Occupants of the Position of Labour Inspector or Industrial Security Inspector in the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 575 issued on 15 May 1996.

Ministerial Decision

Civil Service Council: Decision 7/96 regarding Granting a Work Nature Stipend to the Occupants of the Position of Labour Inspector in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 575 issued on 15 May 1996.

Ministerial Decision

Civil Service Council: Decision 8/96 regarding Granting a Judicial Stipend to Their Eminences the Judges of the Sharia courts and their Deputies and Assistants in the Ministry of Justice, Endowments, and Islamic Affairs

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 575 issued on 15 May 1996.

Ministerial Decision

Civil Service Council: Decision 4/96 Amending Some Provisions of the Executive Regulation of the Civil Service Law

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 574 issued on 4 May 1996.

Ministerial Decision

Civil Service Council: Decision 3/96 Amending the Provisions of Article 145 of the Executive Regulation of the Civil Service Law

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 572 issued on 1 April 1996.

Ministerial Decision

Civil Service Council: Decision 10/95 Amending Some Provisions of the Executive Regulation of the Civil Service Law

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 562 issued on 1 November 1995.