Ministerial Decision

Telecommunications Regulatory Authority: Decision 88/2013 Issuing the Governance Regulation of the Ultra Wide Bandwidth Technology (UWB)

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Published in Official Gazette 1035 issued on 24 November 2013.

Ministerial Decision

Telecommunications Regulatory Authority: Decision 83/2013 Amending the Class I License to Sama Telecommunications LLC to Build and Operate a System for Providing Basic Public International Telecommunications Services

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 1032 issued on 3 November 2013.

Ministerial Decision

Telecommunications Regulatory Authority: Decision 81/2013 Amending the Class I License to Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company SAOC to Build and Operate a Fixed Public Telecommunications Services System

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 1029 issued on 6 October 2013.

Ministerial Decision

Telecommunications Regulatory Authority: Decision 80/2013 Issuing the Regulation Governing the Provision of Automated Vehicle Management System Service

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 1029 issued on 6 October 2013.

Ministerial Decision

Telecommunications Regulatory Authority: Decision 70/2013 regarding the Rules for Ex-Post Regulation (Anti-Competitive Behaviour)

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 1024 issued on 18 August 2013.

Ministerial Decision

Telecommunications Regulatory Authority: Decision 128/2012 Amending Some Provisions of the Executive Regulation of the Telecommunications Law

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Published in Official Gazette 991 issued on 24 November 2012.

Ministerial Decision

Telecommunications Regulatory Authority: Decision 119/2012 Issuing the Regulation Governing Domain Names

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Published in Official Gazette 983 issued on 8 September 2012.

Ministerial Decision

Telecommunications Regulatory Authority: Decision 15/2012 regarding the Controls for the Operation of Ground Stations on Board Ships in the Ranges 5925-6425 MHz and 14-14.5 GHz

This item was repealed by TRA Decision 1152/2/19/2024-3.

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 983 issued on 8 September 2012.

Ministerial Decision

Telecommunications Regulatory Authority: Decision 120/2012 Determining the Fees for Registrar Accreditation and the Fees for Registering Domain Names under the (.om) and (.عمان) Top-Level Domains

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 983 issued on 8 September 2012.

Ministerial Decision

Telecommunications Regulatory Authority: Decision 116/2012 Exempting Certain Telecommunications Services from the Licences Provisions Stipulated in the Telecommunications Law

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 984 issued on 15 September 2012.