Royal Decree

Royal Decree 69/2011 Forming the Board of Directors of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority

2011/69 69/2011


We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

and the Telecommunications Law promulgated by Royal Decree 30/2002,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

The Board of Directors of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority is hereby formed under the chairmanship of Dr Mohammed bin Hamad Al-Rumhi, Minister of Oil and Gas, with the membership of:

1. Yahya bin Said bin Abdullah Al-Jabri.

2. Dr Salim bin Sultan bin Salim Al-Ruzaiqi.

3. Khalaf bin Abdullah bin Rashid Al-Sawafi.

Article II

This decree must be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the date of its issuance.

 Issued on: 10 Rajab 1432
Corresponding to: 12 June 2011   

Qaboos bin Said
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 937 issued on 15 June 2011.