Royal Decree

Royal Decree 77/77 Ratifying the Loan Agreement for the Mountain Road Network Project in the Southern Region

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 137 issued on 15 November 1977.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 76/77 Promulgating the Law of Water Resources Development

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 137 issued on 15 November 1977.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 75/77 Authorising the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Oil, and Minerals the Right to Agree to Delete and Amend the Text of Article (13-1) of the Oil Purchase Agreement Signed between the Government of the Sultanate of Oman and Gulf Oil Company

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 137 issued on 15 November 1977.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 74/77 Ratifying the Oil Exploration Agreement in the Southern Region Signed between the Government of the Sultanate of Oman and a Group of Companies

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 137 issued on 15 November 1977.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 73/77 Delegating the Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to the United States of America to Sign the Protocol Amending the Florence Agreement of 1950

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 137 issued on 15 November 1977.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 72/77 on the Accession of the Government of the Sultanate of Oman to the Florence Agreement on the Importation of Educational Scientific and Cultural Materials

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 137 issued on 15 November 1977.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 71/77 Appointing an Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to the Republic of Djibouti

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 137 issued on 15 November 1977.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 70/77 on the Manuscripts Protection Law


We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman.

After perusal of the Law Governing the Administrative Apparatus of the State 26/75 and its amendments,

and after perusal of decree 12/76 and decree 14/76 updating the Ministry of National Heritage,

and Royal Decree 20/1977 determining the competences of that ministry,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 69/77 on the Accession of the Sultanate of Oman to the Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export, and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 136 issued on 1 November 1977.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 68/77 Establishing Private Schools

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 136 issued on 1 November 1977.