Ministerial Decision

Authority for Electricity Regulation: Decision 3/2019 Issuing the Regulation of the Approved Tariff for the Supply of Electricity for Auxiliary Well Pumps for the Aflaj Affected by Drought

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Published in Official Gazette 1322 issued on 15 December 2019.

Ministerial Decision

Authority for Electricity Regulation: Decision 1/2017 Issuing the Regulation on Reporting of Serious Incidents in the Electricity and Related Water Sector

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Published in Official Gazette 1182 issued on 19 February 2017.

Ministerial Decision

Authority for Electricity Regulation: Decision 2/2017 Issuing the Regulation of the Prevention of the Hazards of Works and Ground Installations Relating to the Electricity Sector

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Published in Official Gazette 1182 issued on 19 February 2017.