
Capital Market Authority: Circular E/6/2010 Redistribution of Responsibilities and Changes of Job Titles

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Ministerial Decision

Capital Market Authority: Administrative Decision E/21/2010 on the Controls of the Marketing of Insurance Products through Banks

This decision was repealed by CMA Decision E/84/2023.

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 910 issued on 1 May 2010.


Capital Market Authority: Circular E/5/2010 Compliance with Best Professional Practices in Insurance Business

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Capital Market Authority: Circular E/4/2010 Increasing Omanisation Ratio in Insurance Sector in the Sultanate

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Capital Market Authority: Circular E/3/2010 Traffic Accidents Investigation Fees in UAE

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Capital Market Authority: Circular E/2/2010 Disclosure Method of Cash Dividends and Bonus Shares

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Capital Market Authority: Circular E/1/2010 Capital Provisions for Insurance Business for Branches of Foreign Insurance Companies

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Capital Market Authority: Circular E/12/2009 The Services the Auditor Can Render Other Than Audit Services

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Capital Market Authority: Circular E/11/2009 Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

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Capital Market Authority: Circular E/10/2009 Determination of Directors’ Remunerations and Distribution of Dividends

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