Ministerial Decision

Capital Market Authority: Decision E/21/2024 Issuing the Regulation Governing Bonds and Sukuk

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Ministerial Decision

Capital Market Authority: Decision E/4/2024 Issuing the Unified Credit Life Insurance Policy Form

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Ministerial Decision

Capital Market Authority: Decision E/85/2023 Amending Some Provisions of the Takaful Insurance Law

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Ministerial Decision

Capital Market Authority: Decision E/84/2023 Issuing the Regulation of Marketing Insurance Products through Banks

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Ministerial Decision

Capital Market Authority: Decision E/83/2023 Issuing the Regulation Governing Electronic Linkage of the Health Insurance System

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Ministerial Decision

Capital Market Authority: Decision E/80/2023 Issuing the Regulation Governing Electronic Insurance Operations

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Ministerial Decision

Capital Market Authority: Administrative Decision E/28/2023 Cancelling the Licence of Vision Insurance SAOG to Practise Insurance Works

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Ministerial Decision

Capital Market Authority: Decision E/25/2023 Suspending the Application of Decision E/4/2023 Issuing the Standard Credit Life Insurance Policy Form

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Ministerial Decision

Capital Market Authority: Decision E/4/2023 Issuing the Standard Credit Life Insurance Policy Form


Based on the Insurance Companies Law promulgated by Royal Decree 12/79,

Royal Decree 90/2004 Transferring the Competences of Insurance from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Investment Promotion to the Capital Market Authority,

and the approval of the Board of Directors of the Capital Market Authority,

and in pursuance of public interest,

it is hereby decided

Article I

The attached Standard Credit Life Insurance Policy Form shall apply.

Article II

This decision shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force after 60 (sixty) days from the date of its publication.

Issued on: 22 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1444
 Corresponding to: 15 January 2023

Abdullah bin Salim bin Abdullah Al-Salmi
Executive President of the Capital Market Authority

Published in Official Gazette 1477 issued on 22 January 2023.

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Ministerial Decision

Capital Market Authority: Decision E/3/2023 Issuing the Standard Insurance Policy Form for Extended Warranty on Vehicles


Based on the Insurance Companies Law promulgated by Royal Decree 12/79,

Royal Decree 90/2004 Transferring the Competences of Insurance from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Investment Promotion to the Capital Market Authority,

and the approval of the Board of Directors of the Capital Market Authority,

and in pursuance of public interest,

it is hereby decided

Article I

The attached Standard Insurance Policy Form for Extended Warranty on Vehicles shall apply.

Article II

This decision shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force after the lapse of 6 (six) months from the date of its publication.

Issued on: 18 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1444
Corresponding to: 11 January 2023

Abdullah bin Salim bin Abdullah Al-Salmi
Executive President of the Capital Market Authority

Published in Official Gazette 1477 issued on 22 January 2023.

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