Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Commerce and Industry: Ministerial Decision 90/2020 regarding the Appointment of the Members of the Grievance Committee

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 1351 issued on 26 July 2020.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Commerce and Industry: Ministerial Decision 84/2020 Considering International, Foreign, and Gulf Standard Specifications as Binding Omani Standard Specifications

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 1350 issued on 19 July 2020.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Commerce and Industry: Ministerial Decision 85/2020 Amending Some Provisions of Ministerial Decision 74/2001 Determining the Fees for Industrial and Commercial Licences

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 1350 issued on 19 July 2020.

Consolidated Regulation

The Executive Regulation of the Foreign Capital Investment Law (Consolidated)

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Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Commerce and Industry: Ministerial Decision 72/2020 Issuing the Executive Regulation of the Foreign Capital Investment Law

Arabic Consolidated Text

Based on the Foreign Capital Investment Law promulgated by Royal Decree 50/2019,

and in pursuance of public interest,

it is hereby decided

Article I

The provisions of the attached Executive Regulation of the Foreign Capital Investment Law shall apply.

Article II

All that is contrary to the attached regulation, or in conflict with its provisions, is hereby repealed.

Article III

This decision shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the day following the date of its publication.

Issued on: 22 Shawwal 1441
Corresponding to: 14 June 2020

Dr Ali bin Masoud bin Ali Al-Sunaidi
Minister of Commerce and Industry

Published in Official Gazette 1346 issued on 21 June 2020.

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Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Commerce and Industry: Ministerial Decision 67/2020 Determining the Fees for Requesting Information via the Electronic System Invest Easy

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 1342 issued on 17 May 2020.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Commerce and Industry: Ministerial Decision 57/2020 regarding Temporarily Permitting Import of Food Products, Goods, and Health Materials

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 1336 issued on 5 April 2020.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Commerce and Industry: Ministerial Decision 35/2020 Considering an International Standard Specification as a Binding Omani Standard Specification

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 1334 issued on 23 March 2020.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Commerce and Industry: Ministerial Decision 11/2020 Considering International Standard Specifications as Binding Omani Standard Specifications

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 1327 issued on 26 January 2020.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Commerce and Industry: Ministerial Decision 188/2019 Determining the Return for Obtaining a Commercial Debt or Loan

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 1318 issued on 17 November 2019.