We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman
after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,
the Law Governing the Administrative Apparatus of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 26/75,
the Public Authorities and Establishments System promulgated by Royal Decree 116/91,
the National Records and Archives Law promulgated by Royal Decree 60/2007,
and in pursuance of public interest,
have decreed as follows
Article I
The level of the “Administrative and Financial Affairs Directorate” in the National Records and Archives Authority is hereby upgraded to a directorate general named the “Directorate General of Administrative and Financial Affairs”.
Article II
This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the date of its issuance.
Issued on: 26 Dhu Al-Qa’dah 1432
Corresponding to: 24 October 2011
Qaboos bin Said
Sultan of Oman
Published in Official Gazette 949 issued on 29 October 2011.