
Royal Academy of Management 

The Royal Academy of Management (الأكاديمية السلطانية للإدارة) is a government entity responsible for developing leadership in the public and private sectors in Oman and developing the capabilities of public administration.

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Consumer Protection Authority 

Consumer Protection Authority (هيئة حماية المستهلك) is the entity responsible for safeguarding and raising awareness of consumer rights, as well as monitoring the pricing of goods and services in the market and ensuring their continuous availability. 

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Ministry of Social Development

The Ministry of Social Development (وزارة التنمية الاجتماعية) is responsible for regulating social work, protecting vulnerable groups in society, such as children and the disabled, and regulating the establishment and operation of civil associations (NGOs) in Oman.

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Environment Authority

The Environment Authority (هيئة البيئة) is a government entity responsible for regulating the environmental sector in Oman, protecting wildlife and natural resources, supporting sustainable development of the environment, and implementing international agreements relating to the environment that the Sultanate is a party to, as well as climate affairs. 

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The Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education (وزارة التربية التعليم) is the body responsible for managing education at all pre-university stages; developing education policies, curriculums, and schoolbooks; and overseeing and providing technical and administrative support for teaching and administrative personnel in schools.

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Financial Services Authority

The Financial Services Authority (هيئة الخدمات المالية) is the government entity responsible for regulating the capital markets; insurance companies; the commodities, energy, and derivatives market; credit rating agencies; and the accounting and auditing profession.

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The Ministry of Energy and Minerals

The Ministry of Energy and Minerals (وزارة الطاقة والمعادن) is the entity responsible for formulating the strategies and policies of the energy and minerals sectors, as well as developing, supervising, and regulating them.

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The Ministry of Interior 

The Ministry of Interior (وزارة الداخلية) is the entity responsible for developing the policies relating to governorates and local affairs, maintaining public order, undertaking matters relating to the international borders of the Sultanate of Oman, governing Omani nationality, governing tribal affairs, managing all kinds of elections, overseeing municipal councils, and governing mediation and conciliation committees.

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Sultan Qaboos University

Sultan Qaboos University (جامعة السلطان قابوس) is the first public and most prominent university in Oman.

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The Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health (وزارة الصحة) is the body responsible for developing healthcare policies as well as managing and directing the delivery of health services in the country.

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