Royal Decree

Royal Decree 28/2015 Promulgating the Law Granting the Concession for the Development, Management and Operation of the Port of Duqm and Approving the Agreements Relating to It


We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

the Commercial Companies Law 4/74,

the Maritime Law promulgated by Royal Decree 35/81,

the Foreign Capital Investment Law promulgated by Royal Decree 102/94,

and Royal Decree 119/2011 Establishing the Special Economic Zone Authority at Duqm and Promulgating Its System,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

Without prejudice to the provisions of the aforementioned Maritime Law, the attached Law Granting the Concession for the Development, Management, and Operation of the Port of Duqm shall apply.

Article II

The concession and usufruct agreements of the Port of Duqm and the shareholders agreement stipulated in the attached law are hereby approved.

Article III

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Special Economic Zone Authority at Duqm shall issue the necessary regulations and decisions for implementing the provisions of the attached law.

Article IV

This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the date of its issuance.

Issued on: 21 Ramadan 1436
Corresponding to: 8 July 2015

Qaboos bin Said
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1106 issued on 12 July 2015.

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 27/2015 Ratifying the Agreement between the Sultanate of Oman and the Portuguese Republic for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income


We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

and the Agreement between the Sultanate of Oman and the Portuguese Republic for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income signed in Lisbon on 9 Rajab 1436, corresponding to 28 April 2015,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

The aforementioned agreement is hereby ratified in the form attached.

Article II

This decree must be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the date of its issuance.

Issued on: 15 Ramadan 1436
Corresponding to: 2 July 2015

Qaboos bin Said
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1105 issued on 5 July 2015.

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 25/2015 Ratifying the Electric Interconnection General Agreement for the States of the Cooperation Council for Arab States of the Gulf


We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

and the Electric Interconnection General Agreement for the States of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf signed on 20 November 2014,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

The aforementioned agreement is hereby ratified in the form attached.

Article II

This decree must be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the date of its issuance.

Issued on: 1 Ramadan 1436
Corresponding to: 18 June 2015

Qaboos bin Said
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1102 issued on 31 May 2015.

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 22/2015 Reinstating Omani Nationality


We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

and the Omani Nationality Law promulgated by Royal Decree 38/2014,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

Omani nationality is hereby reinstated to those named in the attached list.

Article II

This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the date of its issuance.

Issued on: 5 Sha’ban 1436
Corresponding to: 24 May 2015

Qaboos bin Said
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1102 issued on 31 May 2015.

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 20/2015 Promulgating the Common Law on Anti-Dumping and Countervailing and Safeguard Measures of the States of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf


We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

the Law on the Regulation and Promotion of Industry promulgated by Royal Decree 1/79,

Royal Decree 39/2006 Implementing the Common Law on Anti-Dumping and Countervailing and Safeguard Measures of the States of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf,

the Common Industrial Regulatory Law (System) of the Gulf Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf promulgated by Royal Decree 61/2008,

and the decision of the Supreme Council of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf issued in the 31st (thirty-first) session held in the United Arab Emirates during the month of December 2010 amending the Common Law on Anti-Dumping and Countervailing and Safeguard Measures of the States of the Cooperation Council,

and after presentation to Majlis Oman,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

The provisions of the attached Common Law on Anti-Dumping and Countervailing and Safeguard Measures of the States of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf shall apply.

Article II

This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Issued on: 5 Sha'ban 1436
Corresponding to: 24 May 2015

Qaboos bin Said
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1102 issued on 31 May 2015.

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 18/2015 Granting Omani Nationality


We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

and the Omani Nationality Law promulgated by Royal Decree 38/2014,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

Omani nationality is hereby granted to those named in the attached list.

Article II

This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the date of its issuance.

Issued on: 17 Rajab 1436
Corresponding to: 6 May 2015

Qaboos bin Said
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1100 issued on 10 May 2015.

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 16/2015 Declaring Public Benefit Status to the Project for Dibba Sports Club Premises


We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

and the Law on the Expropriation for Public Benefit promulgated by Royal Decree 64/78,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

The project of the Dibba Sports Club Premises in the Wilayat of Dibba in the Governorate of Musandam—specified in the attached note and masterplan—is hereby deemed a project of public benefit.

Article II

The competent entities shall have the right to seize, by direct execution, real estate and land necessary for the mentioned project, and all establishments on them, in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned Law on the Expropriation for Public Benefit.

Article III

This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the date of its issuance.

Issued on: 17 Rajab 1436
Corresponding to: 6 May 2015

Qaboos bin Said
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1100 issued on 10 May 2015.

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 15/2015 Conducting the Electronic Census of Population, Housing, and Establishments for the Year 2020


We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

the Statistics Law promulgated by Royal Decree 29/2001,

Royal Decree 30/2012 Establishing the Supreme Council for Planning and Promulgating Its System,

Royal Decree 31/2012 Establishing the National Centre for Statistics and Information,

and the System of the National Centre for Statistics and Information promulgated by Royal Decree 40/2014,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

The Electronic Census of Population, Residences, and Establishments for the Year 2020 shall be conducted in accordance with the attached provisions.

Article II

This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the day following the date of its publication.

Issued on: 17 Rajab 1436
Corresponding to: 6 May 2015

Qaboos bin Said
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1100 issued on 10 May 2015.

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Consolidated Regulation

regarding the Ban on Trading Used Tyres (Consolidated)

PACP Decision 257/2015 CPA Decision 1/2024

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 9/2015 Granting Omani Nationality


We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

and the Omani Nationality Law promulgated by Royal Decree 38/2014,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

Omani nationality is hereby granted to those named in the attached list.

Article II

This decree must be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the date of its issuance.

Issued on: 17 Jumada Al-Awwal 1436
Corresponding to: 8 March 2015

Qaboos bin Said
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1093 issued on 15 March 2015.

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