Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation: Ministerial Decision 8/2025 regarding the Controls for the Disbursement of Remuneration for Programmes Relating to Research and Innovation


Based on Royal Decree 98/2020 Amending the Name of the Ministry of Higher Education to the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation, Determining Its Competences, and Adopting Its Organisational Structure,

and the approval of the Ministry of Finance,

and in pursuance of public interest,

it is hereby decided

Article I

The competent directorates general in the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation shall select the following:

1. Evaluator and jury member of preliminary and complete research and innovation proposals.

2. Evaluator and jury member of research and innovation projects reports.

3. Specialist in evaluation and ranking of submission applications in competitions, conferences, and awards relating to research and innovation.

4. Member of the steering, supervisory, and technical committee.

5. Speaker at conferences and workshops relating to research and innovation.

6. Master of ceremonies at conferences, events, and workshops relating to research and innovation.

Article II

The remuneration prescribed for the evaluator; the jury member; members of the technical, steering, and supervisory committees; the speaker; and the master of ceremonies in conferences, events, and workshops relating to research and innovation—other than employees of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation—must be paid in accordance with annex 1 attached to this decision after the completion of the work assigned to them and its approval by the competent directorate general in the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation.

Article III

The local and international speaker at a conference, event, or workshop relating to research and innovation must meet all the minimum or preferred criteria—as the case may be—shown in annex 2 attached to this decision.

The undersecretary of the ministry for research and innovation may exclude a local and international speaker from meeting some or all of the aforementioned criteria, if the following are met in their regard:

1. If the local speaker is of a distinguished standard in his field of work or has presented scientific or professional achievements relating to his work. The undersecretary shall determine the remuneration due to him at an amount not exceeding 300 (three hundred) Rial Omani.

2. If the international speaker is an internationally prominent distinguished scholar, entrepreneur, and specialist. The undersecretary shall determine the remuneration due to him at an amount not exceeding 4,000 (four thousand) Rial Omani.

Article IV

This decision must be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the day following the date of its publication.

Issued on: 19 Rajab 1446
Corresponding to: 19 January 2025

Dr Rahma bint Ibrahim bin Said Al-Mahrouqiya
Minister of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation

Published in Official Gazette 1582 issued on 2 February 2025.

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Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation: Correction

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Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation: Ministerial Decision 56/2024 Determining the Fees for the Services Provided by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation

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Ministerial Decision

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Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation: Ministerial Decision 9/2024 Cancelling the Licence of Sur University College

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Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation: Ministerial Decision 101/2023 Amending Some Provisions of Ministerial Decision 43/2008 Establishing a Branch and Commencing Study at Arab Open University in the Sultanate of Oman

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Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation: Ministerial Decision 76/2023 Amending Some Provisions of Ministerial Decision 39/2023 Suspending Decisions on Licence Applications for Establishing Private Training Establishments

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Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation: Ministerial Decision 65/2023 Commencing Study at the Duqm University College

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Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation: Ministerial Decision 39/2023 Suspending Decisions on Licence Applications for Establishing Private Training Establishments

Arabic Based on Royal Decree 98/2020 Amending the Name of the Ministry of Higher Education to the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation, Determining Its Competences, and Adopting Its Organisational Structure, and the Regulation Governing Private Training issued by Ministerial Decision 40/2021, and in pursuance of public interest,

it is hereby decided

Article I

Decisions on licence applications for establishing private training establishments are hereby temporarily suspended for a period of 3 (three) years.

Article II

This decision does not apply to applications submitted to the ministry before the entry into force of this decision, and which have not been decided on if they meet the conditions stipulated in the aforementioned Regulation Governing Private Training.

Article III

This decision shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the day following the date of its publication. Issued on: 8 Ramadan 1444 Corresponding to: 30 March 2023

Dr Rahma bint Ibrahim bin Said Al-Mahrouqiya Minister of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation

Published in Official Gazette 1489 issued on 16 April 2023.
Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation: Correction


The Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation notes that a material error was made when publishing Ministerial Decision 13/2023 Amending Some Provisions of the Executive Regulation of the Educational Scholarships, Grants, and Aid Law, published in Official Gazette 1481, issued on 29 Rajab 1444, corresponding to 20 February 2023, as clause 6 of Annex 1 was provided as follows:

No Country of study Disbursed once at the beginning of the scholarship
Travel allowance
6 Ireland 3,490

And the correct version is:

No Country of study Disbursed once at the beginning of the scholarship
Travel allowance
6 Ireland 1,490

So it had to be noted.

Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation

Published in Official Gazette 1486 issued on 26 March 2023.