Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Social Development: Ministerial Decision 80/2025 Founding the Oman Maritime Association


Based on the Civil Associations Law issued by Royal Decree 14/2000,

and in pursuance of public interest,

it is hereby decided

Article I

A civil association named the “Oman Maritime Association” is hereby founded.

Article II

The summary of the constitution of the association must be published in the Official Gazette in accordance with the procedures followed in this regard.

Article III

This decision comes into force from the date of its issuance, and those concerned shall implement it.

Issued on: 20 Sha’ban 1446
Corresponding to: 19 February 2025

Dr Laila bint Ahmed bin Awadh Al-Najjar
Minister of Social Development

Published in Official Gazette 1586 issued on 2 March 2025.

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Ministerial Decision

Muscat Stock Exchange: Administrative Decision 24/2025 Capital Increase of Green Hydrogen and Chemicals Co SAOC

This item was issued by the Muscat Stock Exchange in English and was not translated by Decree.

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Ministerial Decision

Muscat Stock Exchange: Administrative Decision 22/2025 Capital Increase of Future Cities Co SAOC

This item was issued by the Muscat Stock Exchange in English and was not translated by Decree.

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Ministry of Finance: Circular 1/2025 Regarding the Award of Government Tenders with a Value Not Exceeding 25,000 Rial Omani to Small and Medium Enterprises

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Central Bank of Oman: Circular BM 1213 Master Circular on Personal Loans/Finance

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Ministerial Decision

Supreme Judicial Council: Decision 65/2025 Amending Decision 196/2022 Specifying the Circumstances and Controls for the Witnessing of Documents

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Ministerial Decision

Financial Services Authority: Decision E/2/2025 Adopting International Financial Reporting Standards Models

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Ministerial Decision

Supreme Judicial Council: Decision 55/2025 Adopting the Organisational Structure of the Supreme Judicial Council


Based on the System of the Administrative Apparatus of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 75/2020,

Royal Decree 35/2022 regarding the Governance of the Administration of Judicial Affairs,

and Chairman of the Private Office Letter PO/52/2025 dated 26 Rajab 1446, corresponding to 26 January 2025, by virtue of which the royal approval of the organisational structure has been conveyed,

and in pursuance of public interest,

it is hereby decided

Article I

The organisational structure of the Supreme Judicial Council is hereby adopted in accordance with the attached annex.

Article II

This decision must be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the date of its issuance.

Issued on: 7 Sha’ban 1446
Corresponding to: 6 February 2025

Mohammed bin Sultan bin Hamoud Al-Busaidi
Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council

Published in Official Gazette 1584 issued on 16 February 2025.

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Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs: Ministerial Decision 38/2025 Conferring Judicial Enforcement Status to Some Employees of the Consumer Protection Authority

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Muscat Stock Exchange: Circular 3/2025 Regarding Dividend Distribution Policy Guidelines for Listed Companies

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