Royal Decree

Royal Decree 64/83 Establishing the Omani Banking Institute

Arabic Consolidated Text

Published in Official Gazette 279 issued on 1 January 1984.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 63/83 Renewing the Membership of the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Central Bank of Oman, Executive President of the Bank

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 279 issued on 1 January 1984.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 62/83 Amending the Ministerial Formation

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 275 issued on 1 November 1983.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 61/83 on the Selection of the State Consultative Council Members and the Amendments to the Royal Decrees concerning Its Establishment

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 275 issued on 1 November 1983.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 60/83 Appointing Undersecretaries for the Ministry of Transportation and Determining Their Competences

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 275 issued on 1 November 1983.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 59/83 Appointing Undersecretaries for the Ministry of Royal Diwan Affairs and Determining Their Competences

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 275 issued on 1 November 1983.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 56/83 Appointing an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Sultanate to the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 275 issued on 1 November 1983.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 58/83 Ratifying the Agreement on Economic and Industrial Cooperation between the Government of the Sultanate of Oman and the Government of the French Republic

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 275 issued on 1 November 1983.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 57/83 Approving the Agreement on Economic and Trade Cooperation between the Government of the Sultanate of Oman and the Government of the Republic of Iraq and Ratifying It

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 275 issued on 1 November 1983.

Royal Decree

Royal Decree 55/83 Granting Omani Nationality to a Person

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 274 issued on 15 October 1983.