Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning: Ministerial Decision 9/2023 Amending Some Provisions of the Executive Regulation of the Social Housing Law


Based on the Social Housing Law promulgated by Royal Decree 37/2010,

Royal Decree 93/2020 Amending the Name of the Ministry of Housing to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, Determining Its Competences, and Adopting Its Organisational Structure,

and the Executive Regulation of the Social Housing Law issued by Ministerial Decision 6/2011,

and the approval of the Ministry of Finance,

and in pursuance of public interest,

it is hereby decided

Article I

The text of article 18 of the Executive Regulation of the Social Housing Law is hereby replaced with the following text:

The value of the housing assistance is determined in accordance with the following:

1. An amount not exceeding 25,000 (twenty-five thousand) Rial Omani for a family composed of 2 or 3 (two or three) members to build or rebuild a house, provided that the built area is not less than 140m2 (one hundred and forty square metres), and in the case of the contribution of the beneficiary the built area must not exceed 250m2 (two hundred and fifty square metres).

2. An amount not exceeding 30,000 (thirty thousand) Rial Omani for a family composed of 4 (four) members or more to build or rebuild a house, provided that the built area is not less than 190m2 (one hundred and ninety square metres), and in the case of the contribution of the beneficiary the built area must not exceed 300m2 (three hundred square meters).

Article II

All that is contrary to this decision, or in conflict with its provisions, is hereby repealed.

Article III

This decision shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the day following the date of its publication.

Issued on: 24 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1444
Corresponding to: 17 January 2023

Dr Khalfan bin Said bin Mubarak Al-Shuaili
Minister of Housing and Urban Planning

Published in Official Gazette 1477 issued on 22 January 2023.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning: Ministerial Decision 244/2022 Issuing the Regulation on the Supervision of Real Estate Brokerage Offices and Firms and Real Estate Developers regarding Anti-money Laundering and Counter-terrorist Financing


Based on the Law Regulating Brokerage in Real Estate promulgated by Royal Decree 78/86,

the Law of Anti-money Laundering and Counter-terrorist Financing Law promulgated by Royal Decree 30/2016,

the System of Escrow Account for Real Estate Development Projects promulgated by Royal Decree 30/2018,

Royal Decree 93/2020 Amending the Name of the Ministry of Housing to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, Determining Its Competences, and Adopting Its Organisational Structure,

the Regulation of the Procedures for the Implementation of Security Council Decisions of the United Nations Issued under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter on the Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism and Its Financing, and the Prevention, Suppression and Disruption of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Its Financing issued by Decision 1/2021,

and the Regulation of the Supervision of Real Estate Brokerage Offices and Firms and Real Estate Developers regarding Anti-money Laundering and Counter-terrorist Financing issued by Ministerial Decision 113/2021,

and in pursuance of public interest,

it is hereby decided

Article I

The attached Regulation of the Supervision of Real Estate Brokerage Offices and Firms and Real Estate Developers regarding Anti-money Laundering and Counter-terrorist Financing shall apply.

Article II

Real estate brokerage offices and firms and real estate developers shall rectify their status in accordance with the provisions of the attached regulation within a period not exceeding one month from the date of its entry into force.

Article III

The aforementioned decision 113/2021 is hereby repealed, as well as all that is contrary to the attached regulation or in conflict with its provisions.

Article IV

This decision shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the day following the date of its publication.

Issued on: 1 Jumada Al-Thani 1444
Corresponding to: 25 December 2022

Dr Khalfan bin Said bin Mubarak Al-Shuaili
Minister of Housing and Urban Planning

Published in Official Gazette 1473 issued on 25 December 2022.

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Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning: Ministerial Decision 206/2022 Amending Some Provisions of the Regulation of the Values, Fees, and Prices Collected by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning

Arabic Based on the System of Escrow Account for Real Estate Development Projects promulgated by Royal Decree 30/2018, the Executive Regulation for the System of Escrow Account for Real Estate Development Projects issued by Ministerial Decision 72/2019, the Regulation for the Values, Fees, and Prices Collected by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning issued by Ministerial Decision 92/2016, and the approval of the Ministry of Finance, and in pursuance of public interest,

it is hereby decided

Article I

The text of clause 2 of annex 12 attached to the aforementioned Regulation for the Values, Fees, and Prices Collected by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning is hereby replaced with the following text:


Description Fee in Rial Omani


2 Real Estate Development Project Licence 200 (two hundred)

Article II

This decision shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the day following the date of its publication. Issued on: 30 Rabi Al-Awwal 1444 Corresponding to: 26 October 2022

Dr Khalfan bin Said bin Mubarak Al-Shuaili Minister of Housing and Urban Planning

Published in Official Gazette 1465 issued on 30 October 2022.
Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning: Ministerial Decision 194/2022 Amending Some Provisions of the Regulation of the Values, Fees, and Prices Collected by the Ministry of Housing

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 1463 issued on 16 October 2022.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning: Ministerial Decision 192/2022 regarding the Usufruct of Land Designated for the Construction of Private School Establishments


Based on the Land Law promulgated by Royal Decree 5/80,

Royal Decree 5/81 Governing the Usufruct of the Lands of the Sultanate of Oman,

Royal Decree 93/2020 Amending the Name of the Ministry of Housing to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, Determining Its Competences, and Adopting Its Organisational Structure,

the Executive Regulation of Royal Decree 5/81 Governing the Usufruct of the Lands of the Sultanate of Oman promulgated by Royal Decree 88/82,

and the Regulation of the Values, Fees, and Prices Collected by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning issued by Decision 92/2016,

and in pursuance of public interest,

it is hereby decided

Article I

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, in coordination with the relevant entities in the governorates and wilayat, shall determine the sites of the lands designated for the construction of private school establishments, taking into account the geographical nature of the site and its suitability from a technical, health, and environmental perspective.

The ministry shall issue the schematic drawings of the sites and the detailed cadastral drawings of the plots.

Article II

The areas of land designated for the construction of private school establishments in the governorates and the wilayat are hereby determined as follows:

1. 3,000 m2 (three thousand square metres) to 5,000 m2 (five thousand square metres) for the preschool education stage.

2. 7,000 m2 (seven thousand square metres) as a maximum limit for the preschool education stage and the first cycle.

3. 10,000 m2 (ten thousand square metres) as a maximum limit for the preschool education stage and the first and second cycles.

4. 15,000 m2 (fifteen thousand square metres) as a maximum limit for the preschool education stage, the first and second cycles, and the eleventh and twelfth grades.

As an exception to the aforementioned clauses, it is permitted for the area of land designated for the construction of private school establishments to be less than 3,000 m2 (three thousand square metres) in the governorates of Muscat and Musandam and in the wilayat of Salalah and Buraimi.

Article III

It is required for the usufruct of land designated for the construction of private school establishments to obtain the preliminary approval of the Ministry of Education to construct a private school establishment.

Article IV

The application for the usufruct of land designated for the construction of private school establishments shall be submitted to the competent directorates and departments in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning on the form prepared for this purpose.

Article V

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning shall conclude with the usufructuary a usufruct contract for a plot of land designated for the construction of a private school establishment, provided that the period of usufruct shall be 30 (thirty) years, renewable for an identical period, including a preliminary stage period for the execution of the project having a duration of 2 (two) years exempt from payment in consideration for the usufruct.

Article VI

The usufructuary shall pay the annual consideration of the usufruct of government lands stipulated in annex 5 attached to the aforementioned Values, Fees, and Prices collected by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning Regulation.

Article VII

This decision shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the day following the date of its publication.

Issued on: 23 Safar 1444
Corresponding to: 20 September 2022

Dr Khalfan bin Said bin Mubarak Al-Shuaili
Minister of Housing and Urban Planning

Published in Official Gazette 1460 issued on 25 September 2022.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning: Ministerial Decision 156/2022 Amending the Regulation of the Values, Fees, and Prices Collected by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 1452 issued on 1 August 2022.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning: Ministerial Decision 108/2022 Amending Some Provisions of the Ownership Proof and Registration Regulation

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 1443 issued on 29 May 2022.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning: Ministerial Decision 109/2022 Amending Some Provisions of the Executive Regulation of the System of the Ownership of Real Estate in Integrated Tourism Complexes


Based on the System of the Ownership of Real Estate in Integrated Tourism Complexes promulgated by Royal Decree 12/2006,

the Law on the Prohibition of the Ownership of Land and Real Estate by Non-Omanis in Certain Places promulgated by Royal Decree 29/2018,

the Executive Regulation of the System of the Ownership of Real Estate in Integrated Tourism Complexes Issued by Ministerial Decision 191/2007,

the Executive Regulation of the Law on the Prohibition of the Ownership of Land and Real Estate by Non-Omanis in Certain Places issued by Ministerial Decision 292/2020,

and Ministerial Decision 357/2020 regarding the Controls for the Sale of Residential Real Estate Units under the Usufruct System to Non-Omanis in Multi-Story Commercial Residential Buildings,

and in pursuance of public interest,

it is hereby decided

Article I

The text of article 2 of the aforementioned Executive Regulation of the System of the Ownership of Real Estate in Integrated Tourism Complexes is hereby replaced with the following text:

It is permitted for Omani and non-Omani natural or legal persons to own built units or plots of land intended for construction or exploitation in integrated tourism complexes for the purpose of residence or investment in accordance with the provisions of the system and this regulation. For non-Omanis in integrated tourism complexes in the Governorate of Musandam, it is only permitted to purchase units built under the usufruct system and for a period not exceeding 99 (ninety-nine) years.

Article II

All that is contrary to this decision, or in conflict with its provisions, is hereby repealed.

Article III

This decision shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the day following the date of its publication.

Issued on: 17 Shawwal 1443
Corresponding to: 18 May 2022

Dr Khalfan bin Said bin Mubarak Al-Shuaili
Minister of Housing and Urban Planning

Published in Official Gazette 1443 issued on 29 May 2022.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning: Ministerial Decision 57/2022 Amending Ministerial Decision 92/2016 Issuing the Schedule of Values, Fees, and Prices Collected by the Ministry of Housing

Arabic Auto Translate

Published in Official Gazette 1433 issued on 13 March 2022.

Ministerial Decision

Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning: Ministerial Decision 58/2022 regarding Granting Privileges to Non-Omani Investors to Own Certain Real Estate


Based on the Land Law promulgated by Royal Decree 5/80,

the Real Estate Register System promulgated by Royal Decree 2/98,

Royal Decree 21/2004 Regulating the Ownership of Real Estate by Nationals of the States of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf in Member States,

the System of the Ownership of Real Estate by Non-Omanis in Integrated Tourism Complexes promulgated by Royal Decree 12/2006,

the Law on the Prohibition of the Ownership of Land and Real Estate by Non-Omanis in Certain Places promulgated by Royal Decree 29/2018,

the Executive Regulation of the Law on the Prohibition of the Ownership of Land and Real Estate by Non-Omanis in Certain Places issued by Ministerial Decision 292/2020,

and the approval of the Council of Ministers, and in pursuance of public interest,

it is hereby decided

Article I

A non-Omani investor wishing to obtain a Category I Residence Card has the right to request a certificate from the Real Estate Register Secretariat proving that he has purchased one or more housing units with a total value of not less than 500,000 (five hundred thousand) Rial Omani, or with a value of not less than 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) Rial Omani if he wishes to obtain a Category II Residence Card.

In all cases, the housing unit or units must be in places where ownership by non-Omanis is authorised.

Article II

A non-Omani investor holding a Category I Residence Card has the right to own one real estate for residential, commercial, or industrial use outside the places where ownership by non-Omanis is authorised, and the ownership of the real estate must not be in the places stipulated in the aforementioned Law on the Prohibition of the Ownership of Land and Real Estate by Non-Omanis in Certain Places.

Article III

This decision shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the day following the date of its publication.

Issued on: 29 Rajab 1443
Corresponding to: 3 March 2022

Dr Khalfan bin Said bin Mubarak Al-Shuaili
Minister of Housing and Urban Planning

Published in Official Gazette 1433 issued on 13 March 2022.