Royal Decree

Royal Decree 15/2020 Amending Some Provisions of Royal Decree 62/2013 Establishing the National Museum and the System Attached to It


We, Haitham bin Tarik, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

and Royal Decree 62/2013 Establishing the National Museum and Promulgating Its System,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

The attached amendments to the aforementioned Royal Decree 62/2013 and the system attached to it shall be implemented.

Article II

All that is contrary to the attached amendments or in conflict with their provisions is hereby repealed.

Article III

This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the day following the date of its publication.

Issued on: 14 Rajab 1441
Corresponding to: 9 March 2020 

Haitham bin Tarik
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1333 issued on 15 March 2020.

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 5/2020 Making Some Amendments to the Civil Defence Law


We, Haitham bin Tarik, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

the Civil Defence Law promulgated by Royal Decree 76/91,

and Royal Decree 63/2003 regarding the National Security Council,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

The term “National Committee for Civil Defence” shall be replaced with the term “National Committee for Emergency Management” wherever it occurs in the aforementioned Civil Defence Law or any laws and royal decrees.

Article II

The attached amendments to the aforementioned Civil Defence Law shall be implemented. 

Article III

All that is contrary to this decree and the attached amendments or in conflict with their provisions is hereby repealed.

Article IV

This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the day following the date of its publication.

Issued on: 6 Rajab 1441
Corresponding to: 1 March 2020 

Haitham bin Tarik
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1332 issued on 8 March 2020.

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 4/2020 Promulgating the Internal Security Service Law


We, Haitham bin Tarik, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

Royal Decree 9/98 Approving the Service System for the Employees of the Internal Security Service,

Royal Decree 22/2000 Promulgating the System of Pensions and End of Service Gratuity for Employees of the Internal Security Service,

and the Military Justice Law promulgated by Royal Decree 110/2011,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

The provisions of the attached law shall apply in regard to the Internal Security Service.

Article II

The Head of the Internal Security Service shall issue the regulations and decisions necessary to implement the provisions of the attached law, and until they are issued the existing systems, regulations, and decisions shall continue to operate to the degree that they do not contradict with its provisions.

Article III

The System of the Service of Employees of the Internal Security Service promulgated by Royal Decree 9/98 is hereby repealed as well as all that is contrary to this decree and the attached law or in conflict with their provisions.

Article IV

This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the day following the date of its publication.

Issued on: 6 Rajab 1441
Corresponding to: 1 March 2020 

Haitham bin Tarik
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1332 issued on 8 March 2020.

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 3/2020 Renewing Class I Licence for Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company SAOG to Provide Basic Mobile General Telecommunications Services


We, Haitham bin Tarik, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

and the Telecommunications Law promulgated by Royal Decree 30/2002,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

The Class I Licence for Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company (SAOG) to Provide Basic Mobile General Telecommunications Services is hereby renewed in accordance with the provisions of the attached licence.

Article II

This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on 19 February 2020.

Issued on: 29 Jumada Al-Thani 1441
Corresponding to: 23 February 2020

Haitham bin Tarik
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1331 issued on 1 March 2020.

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 2/2020 Amending Annex 3 of the Law of the Flag, Emblem, and National Anthem of the State


We, Haitham bin Tarik, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

and the Law of the Flag, Emblem, and National Anthem of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 53/2004,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

Clause “First” of Annex 3 of the aforementioned Law of the Flag, Emblem, and National Anthem of the State is hereby replaced with the clause attached to this decree.

Article II

All that is contrary to this decree, or in conflict with its provisions, is hereby repealed.

Article III

This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the date of its issuance.

Issued on: 26 Jumada Al-Thani 1441
Corresponding to: 20 February 2020 

Haitham bin Tarik
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1330 issued on 23 February 2020.

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 1/2020 Ratifying the General Budget of the State for Fiscal Year 2020


We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

and the Financial Law promulgated by Royal Decree 47/98,

and after presentation to Majlis Oman,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

The General Budget of the State for Fiscal Year 2020 is hereby ratified in accordance with the attached schedules.

Article II

All ministries and governmental units shall implement the provisions of this decree each within their competence.

Article III

This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on 1 January 2020.

Issued on: 5 Jumada Al-Awwal 1441
Corresponding to: 1 January 2020 

Qaboos bin Said
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1325 issued on 5 January 2020. 

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 77/2019 Appointing the Members of Majlis Al-Dawla


We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

and Royal Decree 86/97 Regarding Majlis Oman,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

Those named in the attached list are hereby appointed members of Majlis Al-Dawla.

Article II

This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the date of its issuance.

Issued on: 10 Rabi Al-Awwal
Corresponding to: 7 November 2019

Qaboos bin Said
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1317 issued on 11 November 2019.

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 75/2019 Promulgating the Law Governing the Practice of the Medical Profession and Allied Health Professions


We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

and the Law for the Practice of the Medical Profession and Dentistry promulgated by Royal Decree 22/96,

and after presentation to Majlis Oman,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

The attached Law Governing the Practice of the Medical Profession and Allied Health Professions shall apply.

Article II

The Minister of Health shall issue the executive regulations of the attached law within a period not exceeding one year from the date of its issuance, and he shall issue the decisions necessary to implement its provisions, and until they are issued the existing regulations and decisions shall continue to operate to the degree that they do not contradict with the provisions of the attached law. 

Article III

The Law for the Practice of the Medical Profession and Dentistry promulgated by Royal Decree 22/96 is hereby repealed, as well as every provision contrary to the attached law or in conflict with its provisions.

Article IV

This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the day following the date of its publication.

Issued on: 9 Rabi Al-Awwal
Corresponding to: 6 November 2019

Qaboos bin Said
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1317 issued on 11 November 2019.

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Consolidated Law

Civil Aviation Law (Consolidated)

Royal Decree 76/2019 Royal Decree 62/2023

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Royal Decree

Royal Decree 76/2019 Promulgating the Civil Aviation Law

Arabic Consolidated Text

We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman

after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,

and the Civil Aviation Law promulgated by Royal Decree 93/2004,

and in pursuance of public interest,

have decreed as follows

Article I

The provisions of the attached law shall apply in regard to civil aviation. 

Article II

The chairman of the board of directors of the Public Authority for Civil Aviation shall issue the executive regulations and the decisions necessary to implement the provisions of the attached law, and until they are issued the existing regulations and decisions shall continue to operate to the degree that they do not contradict with its provisions.

Article III

The Civil Aviation Law promulgated by Royal Decree 93/2004 is hereby repealed, as well as every provision contrary to the attached law or in conflict with its provisions.

Article IV

This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the day following the date of its publication.

Issued on: 9 Rabi Al-Awwal
Corresponding to: 6 November 2019

Qaboos bin Said
Sultan of Oman

Published in Official Gazette 1317 issued on 11 November 2019.

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