We, Qaboos bin Said, the Sultan of Oman
after perusal of the Basic Statute of the State promulgated by Royal Decree 101/96,
the Public Authorities and Establishments System promulgated by Royal Decree 116/91,
and Royal Decree 9/2014 Establishing the Omani Authority for Partnership for Development and Promulgating Its System.
and in pursuance of public interest,
have decreed as follows
Article I
A public authority named the “Public Authority for Privatisation and Partnership” is hereby established subordinate to the Council of Ministers, and it shall be governed by the provisions of the attached system.
Article II
The Public Authority for Privatisation and Partnership shall enjoy legal personality, as well as financial and administrative independence.
Article III
Assets and allocations of the Omani Authority of Partnership for Development and the Directorate of Privatisation in the General Directorate of Investments in the Ministry of Finance shall be transferred to the Public Authority for Privatisation and Partnership, as well as all employees of the aforementioned bodies with their same financial grades and entitlements.
Article IV
The chairman of the board of directors of the Public Authority for Privatisation and Partnership shall issue the regulations and decisions necessary for implementing the provisions of the attached system.
Article V
Royal Decree 9/2014 Establishing the Omani Authority for Partnership for Development and Promulgating Its System is hereby repealed as well as all that is contrary to this decree, and the attached system, or in conflict with their provisions.
Article VI
This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette, and comes into force on the date of its issuance.
Issued on: 16 Shawwal 1440
Corresponding to: 20 June 2019
Qaboos bin Said
Sultan of Oman
Published in Official Gazette 1300 issued on 7 July 2019.